
Follow up on the latest improvements and updates.


  • 🔢
    Card Counts in Sheet View & Dashboards
You can now see card counts in the Sheet view widget within Dashboards, as well as in Sheets, Roadmaps, and board views.
Easily track progress, identify bottlenecks, and stay on top of your work with precise counts at a glance.
Check out the video here:
placeholder-image (4)
  • 🎨
    Improved Today Line in Roadmaps
The Today line in Roadmaps has been updated for better visibility in both light and dark modes, making it easier to track where you are.
Image from Favro (1)
  • 🛠️ #
    Bug Fixes
You can now enter empty/separator lines in comments, keeping discussions structured.
Users were not able to select lanes in Automations for the Sheet view.
Converting checkbox items ([]) to cards will no longer display unintended escape characters ([ ]).