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Kanban Ready / Blocked
For geniuen kanban flows we would really like to have the ready/blocked states introduced. We made a request for this back in 2017 several times, so i hope posting it here will drag some more attention :). The use of ready / blocked buttons really gives you the advantage of pull and not push, more over it reduces the amount of oddly names columns greatly. Ready button and state: - There should be a button on the Card and the Card view allowing to set a card ready - Once clicked the Card should have green color/symbol/frame to visually indicate that this Card is ready to be pulled. - Cards which are not marked as ready should not be able to be dragged to the next column. This should be configurable on a column level as it serves as ”secure gates”. - When a ready Card is moved to another column it is no longer ready and should be marked as ”started” instead. - The state changes of the ready status should be marked in the history every time - Ready status should be availiable using the api and webhooks as a field - Ready status should be availiable to set using the api Blocked button and state: - Blocked allows a clear indication that help is needed and is a visually strong way to signal ”danger” - There should be a blocked button on the Card and the Card view. - Once clicked the user should be promted for a reason why the Card is blocked as this i serious - After the user have entered a message the Card should have red color/symbol/frame to visually indicate that Card is blocked for all. - Blocked Cards should not be able to be moved to the next column. Instead a click on the ready button should remove the block. - The state change of the blocked status should be marked in the history every time - Blocked status should be availiable using the api and webhooks as a field - Blocked status should be availiable to set using the api Ive added a couple of screenshot of how a tool we used to use (now discontinued) did it, for inspiration :). Its very important to note that doing a ready/blocked is 1 single click in the overview, you should not have to open the card. Also filtering should support showing/not showing these cards. Finally i would supect that you could simply use custom fields to achieve the state effect. Gui part is a different story, i know :).

under review

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