Ability to add a milestone(s)
Nick Gregory
As much as I love Fravo, I am not sure why this feature got cut from the timeline view. Milestones are super important to have for projects - deliverables, key dates, internal reviews - you name it.
Please consider adding a milestone option in the timeline view that can be opened as a card (to take full use of the text editor).
My thoughts would be to drag and drop a pin or diamond that can sit on top of other cards for clarity.
Hans Dahlström
Tommy Svensson
Hans Dahlström: Great release!
Hans Dahlström
Tommy Svensson
Stephanie Krutsick
Tommy Svensson
Hans Dahlström: That would be super helpful!
Hans Dahlström
A major update is coming this or next week, including milestones: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UX-yzivppKY
Tommy Svensson
Hans Dahlström: Great changes. Any chance the milestone can graphically be extended to be on top of the actual timeline dates? Your brain looks for the timeline when it wants to see an important milestone. It doesn't want to search among cards to find it.
Hans Dahlström
This is a mockup of some improvements we are working on:
* Viewable fields on cards (like Status och Customfields)
* Lanes in Timeline view
* Milestones in Timeline view
Any feedback is appreciated!
Tommy Svensson
Hans Dahlström: Not sure how far you've come with this but I guess it would be preferred to have the timeline date and info above the timeline itself. As per your screenshot, "Marketing Launch US" is hard to discern from other tasks/events. Would make a better fit positioned up with the timeline (probably sticky when scrolling).
Stephanie Krutsick
Hans Dahlström: agreed with Tommy - Milestones and their dates should be above, similar to this one I built with visio some years ago
Hans Dahlström
in progress
we are doing a big update to the timeline view, this will be included
Hans Dahlström
Justin O'Neill
Nick Gregory do you mean like this? If so, you can make the "diamond" milestone shape by setting the date to be 1 day
Roni Laukkarinen
We need this too. Toggl Plan does is this way. For now we have to use separate timeline blocks for this.