Global Automations
under review
Jenee Lindley
In automations manager profile, be able to apply an automation to multiple collections/folders/boards/cards at once - or globally (by organization, team, user profile, etc.). This would save a LOT of time. For example, I want to auto-assign myself every card I create so they show up in "My Cards".
Dovidas Baranauskas
Merged in a post:
Automation breakdown per collection
Clarisse Blondy
As a Favro admin I would like to be able to break down the automation usage per collection/board so I can see if any collection or board has an automation usage that stands out.
In that case I would go into that board to verify that the automations are set up correctly or can be optimized.
Anders Aleborg
To be able to manage the automations through the API would be nice as well!
Dovidas Baranauskas
Merged in a post:
Copy Automations
Timo Eger
If I create multiple, similar automations, I want to be able to copy existing ones. That would save a lot of effort.
Anders Aleborg
Please fix this, spending hours on creating automations for every board is a waste of time, time that I actually can work on instead!
Dovidas Baranauskas
Merged in a post:
The ability to copy automations from one board too another
Daniel Schofield
The current functionality allows for the user to save automations as a template but no ability to save automations of transfer them from one board to another pre-existing database.
Scott Drew
This would be great for me, my use case is; I'd like to have a global automation so that anytime the "Requires Attention" tag is added to a card anywhere in the org, it gets added to specific board; then during our weekly meeting, we go through that list and address each item and clear it.
Zach Hooper
This would be amazing!
Francois Bertrand
YES! THIS. StateSaving a set of automations as a "automation template" that can be applied to a new or existing board, and/or simply setting them as "global" would be a HUGE timesaver. Thank you!
Justin O'Neill
Yeah we need this one. We also need the ability to save automations with templates.. as it currently stands, whenever you save a template all your automations go away
Justin O'Neill
Actually it appears that saving automations to templates is working now? Can someone else confirm this working? It seems like in the past that was a bug. Working on my end now
Stephanie Krutsick
Please please please! For organization purposes, our backlog is separated into boards based on the focused area of the task - environment, tools, units, etc. - which are all contained in the Backlog collection. But if I want to add cards from multiple boards to the sprint collection's kanban board(s), I have to either set up automations for each board on the sprint board or I have to set them up on every single backlog board. It's a huge time sink. If I could set an automation that applies to all boards in the collection, that would be incredible. ESPECIALLY since board templates don't save the automations! It's SUCH a pain. The situation in the below screenshot would be completely improved if either a) I could save this as an automation template or b) had the ability to apply an automation to all boards in a collection.
Preferably we could get both - the ability to save a commonly used automation, as well as the ability to set an automation at the collection level, applying to all boards in the collection.
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