Improve Members Filtering
Samuel Loretan
In an organization with many thousand of members and almost as many collection, the filtering when filling "Members" is sub-optimal: it very often suggests members that have no assignment (and even no access) to the collection currently being worked on.
It would be fantastic if the Members selection menu would filter to prioritize people who have access to the collection, and/or are active on it, way above members who don't.
Dovidas Baranauskas
We have released relevant sorting that focuses more on the people with whom you work the most in the organization. More on that here
We also updated the collection options, so you can choose to add only people to cards who have access to the collection. The collection would need to be private for this option to be available.
Nick Drabsch
Another great addition could be to add a quick way to filter for cards assigned to you.
At the moment to do this you need to
- Click Filter
- Click member drop down
- Enter your name
- Click/press enter to select your name
This becomes a pain if you need to switch between viewing your cards and the whole teams cards frequently.
If there was a button that did this kind of common filter, or the board remembered the last filter you used that would be very helpful.
Ike Ellis
Hopefully this work includes my member filtering problem...
- Type the letter I for "Ike" into the Members panel
- The dropdown sorts Alexandra to the top for a brief moment before then switching Ike to the top.
- I quickly press Enter knowing that there are no other I users, but Alexandra is now added to the card.
Similarly, if I type "Ik" quickly, I get Mike sorted to the top for a moment before Ike then pops to the top.
This happens with a variety of names. It's a small flaw, but slows me down any time I start typing a name to get the autocompletion and greatly reduces my satisfaction with Favro overall.
Hans Dahlström
This wil soon be released
Pierre Gempp
Also, filters should be apply only inside the collection where the board is. If a board is duplicate in mulitple collection, it allows multiple filter views.
Roni Laukkarinen
+1. Perhaps the biggest distraction factor right now, always clicking wrong members by accident...
Hans Dahlström
in progress
Hans Dahlström
Hans Dahlström
Good suggestion, thanks Samuel Loretan