Right now attaching a favro card to another one has that big, bulky attachment that propagates to both cards, doesn’t allow for an easy single-click link to the attached card, and doesn’t allow for a condensed view with descriptions.
To accomplish a simple list of related cards in the body of another card, you have to manually go through the multi-click barrier on each specific card to get the card link, write the text, hit the “link” button, then paste the favro link as the one to apply to that text description.
A user should be able to natively link a favro card without the large preview and in a way that allows for formatting and easy following of the link. Notion does this by asking if you want to embed a mentioned/linked page or just give the hyperlink itself - and then gives you the option to edit the text.
It seems it would be best if we could natively attach a card with options for:
a) card id only
b) condensed (card id and title)
c) full information (current implementation + better linking when clicked)