Shift + Scroll should scroll horizontally
Francesco Tosato
It's default in the system and both apps that by pressing Shift while scrolling, the content scrolls horizontally. This used to work in Favro but stopped working a few months ago. It's incredibly frustrating to scroll boards horizontally as the only option is to carefully click on an empty space in a column and drag the mouse, with the risk of dragging cards instead
Magnus Westin
Yes, this is very much needed. It is so slow working with large boards because of this.
Mauricio Ageno
Also confirming definite need for this
Joshua Porter
Absolutely can confirm the needed utility of this.
Jean-Eric Khalife
Please please please implement this, it's so hard to scroll horizontally. I find myself accidentally adding cards to a timeline view because I miss the scrollbar and would love to just be able to do it with a keyboard shortcut.
Even worse, when Favro desktop's window is at half-size the scroll bar doesn't even show up, so I can't scroll horizontally without maximizing the window.