In the timeline view, I'd like to be able to see if the work that I planned corresponds with the available capacity of my team at any given moment in time. The main reason for using the timeline view is to plan all work so that the you don't exceed maximum capacity of your team (because you can't do everything at the same time).
Current board limits limit capacity horizontally, but I'm looking for a way to check capacity vertically. How many items can I plan at the same time so I don't exceed our two weekly sprint capacity?
Therefore I'd like to be able to set a vertical board and/or lane limit in the timeline view (in story points, hours, card count or whatever you want) for items that can be stacked above one another at any given moment in time. In our case a sprint lasts two weeks, so I want to be able to check these limits for two week periods over the whole timeline. Dragging this two week period left and right should constantly update the capacity taken at that time.
Also I'd like to be able to set different limits for every lane in my timeline and for every status. The current version only supports overall board limits which are the same for all swim lanes.