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Kanban Ready / Blocked
For geniuen kanban flows we would really like to have the ready/blocked states introduced. We made a request for this back in 2017 several times, so i hope posting it here will drag some more attention :). The use of ready / blocked buttons really gives you the advantage of pull and not push, more over it reduces the amount of oddly names columns greatly. Ready button and state: - There should be a button on the Card and the Card view allowing to set a card ready - Once clicked the Card should have green color/symbol/frame to visually indicate that this Card is ready to be pulled. - Cards which are not marked as ready should not be able to be dragged to the next column. This should be configurable on a column level as it serves as ”secure gates”. - When a ready Card is moved to another column it is no longer ready and should be marked as ”started” instead. - The state changes of the ready status should be marked in the history every time - Ready status should be availiable using the api and webhooks as a field - Ready status should be availiable to set using the api Blocked button and state: - Blocked allows a clear indication that help is needed and is a visually strong way to signal ”danger” - There should be a blocked button on the Card and the Card view. - Once clicked the user should be promted for a reason why the Card is blocked as this i serious - After the user have entered a message the Card should have red color/symbol/frame to visually indicate that Card is blocked for all. - Blocked Cards should not be able to be moved to the next column. Instead a click on the ready button should remove the block. - The state change of the blocked status should be marked in the history every time - Blocked status should be availiable using the api and webhooks as a field - Blocked status should be availiable to set using the api Ive added a couple of screenshot of how a tool we used to use (now discontinued) did it, for inspiration :). Its very important to note that doing a ready/blocked is 1 single click in the overview, you should not have to open the card. Also filtering should support showing/not showing these cards. Finally i would supect that you could simply use custom fields to achieve the state effect. Gui part is a different story, i know :).

under review

Automation Limits & Pricing
To be clear, My intention with this post is to help FAVRO help US, your paying customers. Problem: On the pricing page the automation limit is not mention. Automations are deactivated without previous and active notification. As automations are deactivated all the organization becomes a mess. FAVRO should help organize not the contrary. Automation limits should not increase depending on the plan but on the members and there is no option to buy additional automations packages. 5.Automation initial limits are not sufficient. I´m on the standard plan with 25 members and using automation only to change status , card color and member when a card is moved on the sprint columns. This is a very simple use of automation that was free at the beginning. When automations where introduce this started counting against the limit. Frustration: Each month after the 20th when my automations are exhausted i need to wait 10 more days to have them again or change to enterprise plan as it is advice by the chat agent. I´m not an enterprise and i know by heart that my automations are very simple and they use to be free. So I should not be expected to increase plan , it makes no sense. FAVRO should change the way automations limits work as currently is helping disorganize the company. Favro is not cheap, it's charge as a premium service. it does helps a lot but when a customer feels that for that amount of money ,you get that kind of limitations it creates a bad sensation. Solutions: Be transparent with limits on the pricing page. Change the initial amount of automations each plan gets based on real case studies of the users who use them. Never deactivate automation the hard way. Make the user pay using other strategies but don't be part of making his FAVRO a mess. Automations are a core functionality if you deactivate them you create a problem. Automation limits should be price regarding the amount of members not the plan and also allow the user to buy additional automation packages. Not all companies are the same , so many of us use basic automations but you are treating us as we should be enterprises. "I don't want to change to the enterprise plan it doesn't make sense" Conclusion: If FAVRO is really focus on understanding customers and making them a priority for their growth, I really expect this changes will be taken as a priority as it affects a core functionality and goes against what FAVRO stands for. Thanks Daniel Vengoechea

under review

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