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Better "My Cards" View. Many cards on multiple collections organize on a better way.
Currently My Cards view doesn’t accomplish the job of showing a member or guest all of his work on a organize way if these cards are from different collections. My team has many jobs on different collections (This is the reality for the majority of Design Agencies), when they try to work with my cards view, is very difficult as cards are on disorder, and they don’t know easily which card is form which collection. Sorry to tell but they kind of hate it so its being difficult to make them work with Favro because they feel it doesn’t organize them better. So, for me as owner is awesome but for the ones making the job is not. Worst of all, the user also sees cards that are on the backlog not on a sprint so this confuses him as he doesn’t know if he need to work on it right away or later. Of course, I know he can open the card, see the board that is assign an got to the collection but this makes useless this view and he should do this for every card, every day or every hour. There should be a better way: Option 1: 1 BIG sprint showing all task the user is required in. This big sprint will have 1 lane per collection. As columns can be different maybe the columns will be the standard ones. Option 2: Bring automatically all sprint boards the user is assigned to and show only his task. The user can reorganize the position of the boards. I will go definitely by option 2. This way each sprint board can have its own columns and will make managing team members and guest so much easier. And for the ones doing the job, they will have 1 thing to do each, day, check this new My Cards view. Currently I need to call them (every day or hour), and tell them, hey, have you check this task on this collection on this lane on this column? We really need a better My Cards View.


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